Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very hot field
these days. Stories about AI seem to be popping up everywhere, on
television, in newspapers and of course the Internet. Not surprisingly
then, software engineers that understand this new technology are in high
demand, being aggressively recruited by companies like Alphabet (the parent
company of Google), Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. Yes, that's right,
Facebook! You might reasonably ask, why does Facebook need AI? The
answer gives us a glimpse into where this technology is headed and is the
subject of this post.
First let's start with a definition.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, artificial intelligence is
"The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that
normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech
recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages."
Facebook currently has more than 1.7 billions users around the world, and
each day its users post 300 million photos and share more than 4.7 billions
pieces of content (Source: Zephoria). That's an enormous amount of
data and Facebook sifts through every single byte of it. The company had
revenue of $17.9 billion dollars in 2015, and analysts anticipate revenue of
$27 billion in 2016. Facebook earns this money by learning everything it
can about is users and selling that data to advertising and marketing firms.
So anything that helps them understand more about us also helps their
overall business, and that's where AI comes in.
In order to extract information from all of those photos
and videos, Facebook uses a number of different AI tools. For example,
they analyze photos not only to determine who is in it, but also where
it was taken and what products might be in the picture. Facebook then
uses this information to deliver customized content to each user, such as
targeted advertisements and the NewsFeed users receive. The AI software even filters which posts users see from their family and friends. A recent study from
MIT found that 62% of users didn't realize that the content they saw was being
filtered, and many of them were not at all happy about it. So the next time you're on Facebook, ask yourself
why these particular news stories or posts were chosen for you? Perhaps more
importantly, ask yourself what are you not seeing?
Interesting information about FaceBook. This will probably also apply to Twitter.